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Dussek: Piano Variations - Pieces - Fantasia

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Alessandro Cesaro, piano


J. L. Dussek: The Sufferings of the Queen of France, Op.23, C 98 12:14


J. L. Dussek: Rosline castle with variations, C 100 05:02


J. L. Dussek: Ma barque legère, Air de Gretry 05:36


J. L. Dussek: Variations on Vive Henri IV, Op.71 n.5, C 245 08:46


J. L. Dussek: La consolation, Op. 62, C 212 10:14


J. L. Dussek: Variations on Partant pour la Syrie, C 249 08:08


J. L. Dussek: Fantasia in Fa maggiore, Op.76, C 248 - Grave 03:36


J. L. Dussek: Fantasia in Fa maggiore, Op.76, C 248 - Larghetto con molta espressione 01:51


J. L. Dussek: Fantasia in Fa maggiore, Op.76, C 248 - Allegro ma piano e moderato 05:14


J. L. Dussek: Fantasia in Fa maggiore, Op.76, C 248 - Menuet du Carème 03:46


J. L. Dussek: Fantasia in Fa maggiore, Op.76, C 248 - Marche solennèlle 02:47


J. L. Dussek: Fantasia in Fa maggiore, Op.76, C 248 - Prélude 01:15


J. L. Dussek: Fantasia in Fa maggiore, Op.76, C 248 - Adagio 01:25


J. L. Dussek: Fantasia in Fa maggiore, Op.76, C 248 - Finale alla Polacca 05:56

Jan Ladislav Dussek, one of the most successful virtuosi at the end of the eighteenth century along with Muzio Clementi and Johann Baptist Cramer, is considered the first representative of the Slavic piano school and an important forerunner of Frédéric Chopin. According to the evidence of his times, his piano style was characterized by a brilliant technique, a cantabile touch with a wide variety of chiaroscuri made by the calculated use of the pedal. Possessed by a strong emotionality, he was able to combine delicate lyricism with romantic passion. Excluding fashionable compositions (Variations on popular tunes and Rondos), the heart of his production consists of piano Sonatas, Concertos and chamber music. The main interest of his work lies in the piano writing which is always appropriate to the contents expressed, and above all in the harmonic language, unconventional and affected by the popular musical tradition of Bohemia, his native land.

Some pieces included here (Rosline castle and Ma barque legére) are probably recorded for the first time, the other compositions are of very rare listening. This recording, very dear to me, dates back to 2013. Targeted by numerous problems, it was never published and I believed it was lost. I had test audio files in my archive, but their quality was unusable. Only recently a single extant CD recording has been found. I hope it could have the spread it deserves.